Carnivale – 2012 IA 9×5

Sonia Kretschmar 9x5 2012


It’s that time of year again – the Illustrators Australia annual 9×5 show (now in its 17th year). Running a bit late, but have managed to get my piece done. This year the theme is ‘Carnivale’. I remember watching some afternoon National Geographic documentary years ago which mentioned the revelation of the origins of the word as “Farewell to Meat”, which struck a chord as it runs contrary to most of what I thought Carnivals stood for. So I went for the ol’ changing roles motif and gave Miss Piggy a chance to shine. The medium is acrylic and varnish on wood, and is titled “Viva Carne”.

The exhibition opens 6pm on Friday November 6, 2012 at Space 39, 39 Little Collins Street Melbourne. There will be a silent auction on the night, with all work available at a reserve of $195. The exhibition is also open on Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th, along with an inaugural “Illustrators Market” with artist made gifts and prints available (yes – I’m to have a stall selling prints, pendants and other delights).